佘婉菱; 我的世界;我的生活

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I had changed my song to Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable. :) I finally received this song with the help of Mr Heng Kim Peng. You know that unknown guys who kept putting Anonymous & NaMe in my tagboard? XD ! Thanks yeah! I kept repeating this song on my playlist because it's just so so nice !

Baby, I don't want to waste another day.
Keeping inside, It's killing me !

Alright, I ought to upload this precious song into my Ipod and I will start studying again. =D I'm happy happy ! =D I found my motivation to study after I listened to this song. xD ! This is going to be my favourite song for the moment. Don't worry, I won't let it repeat too often, if not my favourtism will die down. LOL!

I'm thinking of cutting my hair. However, I felt like perming it. Should I cut it or should I perm it? If I cut it, I might consider of straightening it again. I love straight hair. Yet again, I'm getting bored of straight hair. But still, I want straight hair. Whatever. I'm just indecisive. My hair is frigging long now and I don't think I want to let it stay so long. Perhap I will cut a little bit shorter. I love my hair because it's of a teeny weeny ash-brown colour and it's my favourite hair colour. Bleh! =P However, Mimi ( Mummy) Said that ash-brown hair meant that it's unhealthy. *Drop* What a fantastic sentence from my Mum.

Examinations are ending ! I'm left with 4 papers. I'm so so so excited. Yet, at the same time I felt so remorse over my past papers. Damn. Hell. Let it be. I can't do anything, not even a single thing. I really wish I could do something about it, maybe I should go and pray really hard to be able to get my 10 points for my L1B4. If I really gets that, I tell you, I will be really overjoy and scream out loud that I'm the happiest girl in this world. Now, I understands what's real happiness. However, I'm going to make this dream to come true with the remaining subjects I had. Fight all I can. Go for what I want. My motto. My life. :)

I felt really good to bid goodbye to my past. It's great. That innocence was what I had been seeking for. That happiness which I had been yearning for. Yet, in the midst of all the innocence and happiness, there I was, fighting back my tears and act like there isn't anything which upset me. I acted like I was alright when I wasn't even alright. Acting like I was alright had been part of my life and I never failed to act like I'm fine. However, the past was gone. I'm alright now. Perfectly fine. I need no guys to ruin my life. I need no guys to upset me. :) My dad was right, guys only tell you how much they love you, yet it doesn't mean a thing at the same time because it wasn't true. This was said from my Dad, he's a guy, he knew more. He told me not to place too much trust on a guy because when he left you, you are left with nothing. Not even a single thing. I knew the true meaning after Jashawn left me. :) I felt like shit after he left but when I think back, it's a beautiful memory. However, I have to fight back the pain that was caused by him. :) That was alright. I learn the hard way, I learn from my Dad too, never to place too much trust on a guy. =D Say you love me if only you meant it well. :) Don't be another heartbreaker because I hold grudges, I will never forget how much pain you gave. xD

For whatever reasons, I'm learning to love people more. And, I had learnt to let go of the past. Although it hurts but within the pain, I found myself getting stronger. :) I don't know when will I get into another relationship, but nevertheless, I won't put it on my priority any more. :) Once bitten, twice shy. I remembered my friends telling me that, in life, we have to go through countless of pain before we met the right one. Perhap it's the truth, so I just have to see what's next. Maybe it will turn out fine, maybe it won't, but nonetheless, I felt the need to make hay while the sun is still shining. :) From today onwards, I shall let bygone be bygone. Things will get better as I start my life anew. =D Jashawn, Thank you! xD I hope you learn to stop breaking hearts too. xD ! And please, hope that you don't read my blog. xD !

Love the people around you.

You will find much wonders in it. =D

Alright, I guess I ought to stop and shut up from this blog. It's time to study! Get me off this computer please !

6:23:00 PM

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I was at Alwin's Flickr account. For heaven sake, his photographic skills are really getting better and better that I really want to seek him to teach me photographic skills. :) ALWIN, if you are reading my blog, better teach me ! He's just so professional. His zooming is so great that it focus on the things that he wanted to focus. Talented. Brilliant. Oh yeah, I want to get DSC-T20 Pink Camera! I can't wait to get it please.

If you are interested in looking at photos, this is the place. He's great really ! Anyone needs a photographer for your wedding, business or anything. Look for him. =D

I'm so so so going to haunt him down during my holidays to teach me photographic skills.


1:40:00 PM

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I want you to repeat the words that you used to say.

The Bottom Line
Every day can't be a great day, but one dud shouldn't be enough to get you down.

In Detail
Not every day can be a great day, as these next 24 hours may prove to you. Aside from an overall lack of pizzazz in your environs, there won't be much development in any of your projects. But one dud of a day doesn't have to get your down. After all, variety is the spice of life -- and not every spice is delicious. Treat this day as simmer time on a stew that will eventually be quite delicious. Be patient and trust that when things are meant to be, they'll be.

I didn't manage to finish my Chinese paper 1. Damn! I think I screwed my Paper 1 but well, I guess my Paper 2 is alright. :) I had forgotten many simple Chinese words. I didn't even know which word was the correct word even with the help of a dictionary. Such a disappointment~ Dad wanted me to score an A1. He said my languages are better than my brothers but again and again, I disappoint him! He said I kept using my smartness to study instead of being hardworking. Well, I do study really hard. But ... I really lost confident for the other papers. Buddha, help me please. I'm so demoralised now. I'm left with the only 4 papers now. It's Physic on Friday ! Social Studies on Monday. Science MCQ & Design&Tech is on Tuesday. There goes my freedom to do whatever I want. Persevere on. But I can't find the motivation any more. Sighs.

I'm going to try to study really hard for the remaining papers. I try alright ~ Bye.

I'm so inconsolable when you walked out of my life.


Oh ya, I got hooked on over this song after I was blog hopping. Anyone has this song ? I want please please please! I think the lyrics are really fabulous. I'm so so so in love with its chorus. :) Sighs, someone send me this song !

Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable lyrics

I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Filmed like a scene on the cutting room floor
I wanna let you walk away tonight without a word

I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling
OOoh, if you were here right now,
I swear I'd tell you this

Baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

I climb the walls, yeah
I can see the edge,
But I can't take the fall, no
I've memorized the number
So why can't I make the call
Maybe cause I know you'll always be with me
In the possibility


No, no, no

I don't wanna be like this
I just wanna let you know
That everything I hold in
Is everything I can't let go (oooh, can't let go)



Don't you know it baby
I don't wanna waste another day
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooh, I'm inconsolable
Whoaa yeah
I'm inconsolable

1:05:00 PM

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's the Emath paper 2 today. I hope I will do well with much moderation. Not that the paper was extremely difficult. It's that my mind went blank ! I was not sure if I should round up the value for the payment to the shop or not be bothered about it and then find the percentage reduction. I don't know please. It requires theory work or real life experience? Imagine I got $0.285, how am I supposed to pay such money to the person ? Basically, in theory work, it ought to be this way, but in real life, I can't pay such amount. So I thought for quite a long time and I decided to just round it up and find the percentage reduction. SIGHS !

I want to get an A1 for my Emath but I think it's quite difficult for me to get it. You know it's really disappointing when I can't do well. Sighs, no use in brooding over the spill milk. I shall wait and see for my result. Rainer papa said that our result is out on the 11 - 14th January ! It's like so fast can ! It's both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing is that I can get to know my result early and that I won't worry for long. Bad thing is that, my death day is so soon ! I'm going to think about what I should do if I can't make it for this 'O' level. Firstly, I will definitely cry ! But still, I really hope it's a tear of joy. Sighs !

Mum is back ! She bought a few stuffs. And she almost got lost because of all the "good" friends of hers. Such a letdown. If I have such friends, I will definitely blew my top and sweared that I will never go overseas with such friends. How frightening it is to be all alone in the foreign country ? I hope they get to taste what my mum had felt. Bleh =P I'm evil, so what ? They are worst than me.

Alright, my eye is getting better. =D I slept very early last night. I thought I will wake up at 3am like yesterday, but I didn't. I slept like a log and Dad woke me up at 6.30am, telling me that mummy is back ! He didn't finish his sentence, so I just shouted " HI MUMMY, MISS YOU! " Then, I went back to sleep again. xD ! With no choice, Dad came in and shaked me to wake up. LOL !

Sighs, I still have bruise below my eye. I hope it doesn't leave a scar or something. If not my face is RUINED ! Roar you~ Well, it's just some minor bruise. But everyone kept question me if I had been beaten by anyone ~ Firstly, my brother came home and gave me a shocked face. " You fight with who ! " He wasn't the only one who asked. When I went to school, everyone was like asking the same question. Do I looked like I will fight with any one ? -.-"

It's holiday right now ? I was like pondering why do I see many Ahbeng hanging around in the malls. For goodness sake, get that kind of irritating hairstyle and facial expression out of you. It looked terrible ! You thought you looked really Ahbeng in it ? Mind you, it sucks ! I almost puked when I had seen all the Ahbeng in the streets. I lived in Bugis, so I get to see many Ahbeng hanging around in the malls. No doubt that some Ahbeng really looked cool while some others really act like one. I felt like giving them a tight slap and tell them to wake up. I'm really disgusted over the bunch of Ahbeng I saw yesterday. YOU SUCK ! Stop acting like you are really cool ~ Talking to your friends like you are really that GREAT. You are so low to me. Disgusted~

Well, it's Chinese paper tomorrow. HELP ME! I don't want to get another B3 ! I want to get an A1 ! Help help me please ! AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE HAVING CHINESE 'O' LEVEL ! GOOD LUCK OKAY ! =D LOVES !

Papers are ending soon ! 6 more papers to my freedom. From then on, I'm going to worry so much for my 'O' level. Yet, there isn't any point since I had taken the examinations. Maybe I should think what I should do, should I retake my 'O' level next year or get a private diploma. Sometime, I do need to prepare for the worst~ Well, I should not think now. It's time to study.


5:46:00 PM

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Monday, October 29, 2007

English Paper definitely rock my sock. I thought I will never do well because my mind was completely blank. Plots were not ready and I have no idea which should I write. I liked one word question but this time, the one word question was Heroes . How am I supposed to write that ? Superman ? Batman ? I don't like such stuffs. So, I decided not to do that. I wanted to do the " Write about the things which you value the most in the country if you were to move to another country " Thoughts of my friends, foods, places came across my mind. I was so ready to write that. In the end, I did not know how to start the composition. However, I was left with the only choice, "Write about a time when someone could not live up to his or her reputation" =D I write a narrative & personal account. =D Please give me high score please. Comprehension was pretty easy. :) Please give me at least a pass for my Comprehension. I had never do well in comprehension before so, give me chance to pass. :)

Alright, here comes the Mathematic paper 1. It seemed to be easy & difficult. Many of the questions that I had attempted, I had no idea how am I going to answer. In the end, I wrote crap. I hope they gives me the method mark. :)

I was so sick last night that I woke up at 3 am in the morning and I couldn't get to sleep any more. I suffered so much when I go for the examinations. It was such a important examination that I couldn't miss. Rainer papa accompanied me to see a doctor but they were away for dinner. Sighs. In the end, dad brought me to see a doctor. The doctor told me that I needed a surgery for my eyes. My goodness ! I quickly told him that I have examinations and I can't have the surgery. Luckily, he said I can have it after my examination. What a close shave ! I'm not going to see you even after my examination. xD I'm going to get well soon! This is the reason why I never like to see a doctor. The other time when I had the bike accident, the doctor was so horrible that he teared out all the tissue paper from my wounded and I cried so bitterly. It was painful can. That was the worst pain I had ever come through. That's why, I never like doctor. Don't bring me to a doctor because it makes me cry !

I'm going to have a early rest. I have not studied but what can I do. My eyes are suffering. Damn it. Please let it be well by tomorrow please. :)

I'm so tired !

Say you love me.

9:08:00 PM

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

The subtle smile that hid the tears.

I heave a sigh after waking up in the morning, my pain is still there. My little boy is still not being considerate, knowing that I was about to cry over my poor little eyes, he continued to bark the whole damn house down. I strayed from his side and I went back to my bed, he continued to bark like nobody's business. In the end, I got my clothes and went to have a bath. After getting ready, I decided to go to SBM early. After the Math tuition, I slept for a while on the cold hard floor. Poor me~ When I woke up, my pain was worser than before. In the end, I didn't study any more because the pain is killing me.

We had some stupid dinner. You know having candlelit spaggetti dinner ? Oh, it sounds really great right. But no, I haven't finish my sentence. We had our candlelit spaggetti dinner in the back alley. Jianyong & Hangqi claimed that we are going to thrash the steamboat business. xD ! The interesting part is that, we weren't even having our candlelit spaggetti dinner for half an hour, it started to rain ! LOL! What a business ~ xD ! The Candlelit dinner consists of 6 of us. I have the pictures but I won't be posting it so soon. Perhaps after 'O' level ? I always did all the stupid things with my fellow SBM friends. It's fun. It's crazy. It's great. :) At least, it leaves a great memories behind when we did crazy stuffs in the midst of the 'O' level. xD ! I still remember the Hellboy story which we had filmed. We played with the storeroom's door and I think it's the whole idea is a creative one. xD !

I'm not feeling well. I'm not feeling well. I'm not feeling well. I miss mummy ! I wish mummy is here to bring me to see a doctor. =( Mummy, why are you enjoying in China while I suffered here. AH~ =( Kill me !~ Mummy is coming back tomorrow ! Please let her return back safely. =DDD After my 'O' level, she's heading to Thailand. -.-" Great great great hell. She thought my 'O' level wasn't finish yet, so she didn't book another ticket for me. =( ! I want my mummy~ =( Mummy was with me everyday ever since I was borned. Alright, maybe we shouldn't count those days that I'm in SBM camp or something. Most of the time, she was with me ! Even when we go for a tour, Mummy always went with me by her side you know you know ! =( I want to go for a tour. I want to have a shopping spree oversea !~ =(

My eye is killing me. Why is it so painful. =( My backache is killing me too. I woke up with all the symptoms that to hint me that I'm going to fall really sick soon. I had backache. I had swollen eye. I had cough. Please let me be sick only after 'O' level please. =(

But no matter what you never see me cry.

8:19:00 PM

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Saturday, October 27, 2007


Ha, if you are wondering what's FISH FRIEND DAY for my dearest SBM, it's just Friendship Inspiring Spiritual Happiness day. We were supposed to fish for a friend to go for this day. Yet, Moggallana is really demoralised. We brought no friends. We are having our 'O' level on Monday. Furthermore, those are our core subjects and we have to really pass well. I didn't want to join them, but they requested for two hours from us. So well, we went there. Not that the activities weren't good, it was great. :) I had fun laughing at Ernest. I laughed too much that I developed a sore throat and my cheeks are numbed. The problem is that, looking at other house, they are so united. I'm so demoralised after they kept forgetting our existence. LOL! Never mind, things will be what it used to be. =DD Moggallana, show them our power after 'O' level alright. =DD

My Nuffnang is getting no where ! My average unique visitors are 17. People, please visit my blog ! I need 20 unique visitors please ! =( I know my blog is boring. But, at least just pass by my blog alright. :)

I'm have a sore eye. I don't know what happened. My eye hurt like it is going to drop out soon. (Well, I'm exaggerating, OBVIOUSLY ) But, it really hurts so much please !

I can't wait to go out to work. I'm worried for my result after everything ends. I'm afraid I won't make it. So, I decided to seek Pearly for more advice about her Private course. Maybe, if I really can't get into the course I want, I might take another track. Ha ! Have the will and you will have the way. XD !

Studies are killing me. Sighs. Someone bring me out to play ! Where's my mummy ! She's at China now ! =( Mummy, I miss you~! I hope my brothers bring me out to play after everything ends. I NEED A LIFE LAH !

My eye is killing me. Help me dig it out can ! =X Just kidding ! But it do hurt so badly. =( Stop the damn sore eye. =( Damn damn damn. Hell.

3 of my friends are signing up for SBM Camp.

DAMN YOU, my eye.

The Frenzy Mind

11:09:00 PM

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Friday, October 26, 2007

It kill me in that instance to know that,
you won't be there any more.

The Bottom Line
Your unavailability could test people, but they have all the patience you require.

In Detail
A slight change in your business or school life today is going to affect your social life more than you might realize. You won't have as much free time as you're used to. Get in some good quality time with your friends, and if you are in a relationship, make sure your partner understands the time crunch you might be experiencing soon. If it's a new relationship, your unavailability could serve as a very effective test. Luckily, this person will wow you with their patience and dedication.

I spent my whole day studying. I love math. It's the only subject that I can tune in my music and do my math at the same time. Although I'm used to having music with me when I'm studying, I preferred listening to song when I'm doing my Math. There are several reasons that I had my preference. Firstly, when some emo-songs that played on my Ipod, I will turn moody. If I'm studying for Geography or anything, I will lose my heart to do it. However, when I'm studying my Math, even if those songs were to play on my Ipod, I will be alright and continue straight with my Math. No hard feeling at all. :)

I was telling him about my past. I seems to be missing the past alot. Yet, we know the past is over. The future is yet to come. My present is so dubious. I don't know what I'm supposed to do at this present. All I know was to study and study. I remembered Gary told me, my life is not about studying. Yet, what am I supposed to do. I don't want to repeat another year. Frankly speaking, I'm scared, I'm frightened, I'm fear for failure. It's either I do it with all my best or I will not do it at all. Call me wilful, call me stubborn. I don't care.

Talking about my past, you know all those friendships that I had been missing about ? My used-to-be Mong's group, Randall & Kelvin kitty & Yuanyi, Jowell & Junhao, Moggallana's strong bonding times, SBM Youth's Movie outing, Meifang & Meifen, Jez & Laykheng, Irene & Jason & Dion, Mabelynn & Lynn, Justin & Kiwi, Chenglong & Calvin, Pohleong... There were too many for me to name. They are the type of friendships that at certain part of time, we were really close friends, and then we lose it all in the next moment. Impermanence. I reminisice the past. I want everything to stay. I don't want things to change. It's always a difficult thing to say goodbye. I do miss those friendships. It's special. It has never leave my mind. I treasured everything from the start till now. Sometimes, it's because that we have to lead our own busy life. Other time, it's due to other circumstances that we bid goodbye to the friendships. Maybe not to the extent of losing friendships, perhaps it's biding goodbye to a friendship that is once so close.

Speaking about my relationships, I don't know how are my ex doing. Weirong is back in school. Jashawn is still doing fine with his business course. We contacted recently and we lose contact again. :) Some times, I do wonder if I had never chosen to be with them, maybe things are still as perfect as I want it to be. We're still friends, we still hang out together...

There are several regrets that I had cast upon myself. Yet, I never say it out. I have far too many regrets that I want everything to turn out fine again. I want everything to be what it used to be. I want everything to be perfect. I don't want to lose anything. I don't want to miss anything. I don't want to cry over anything. I don't speak doesn't mean I doesn't mind. I don't say a thing, doesn't mean I'm alright. I don't cry in front of any of you, doesn't mean I'm fine.

It's a good thing to look back to the past. You will often find all the mistakes that you had done. I'm a perfectionist, I'm constantly looking for things to be perfect. So, I learnt to learn from my mistake, learn it from the hard way. Sometime, I know the things that my friends had done were not right. I told them off and if they don't listen, I let them learn it the hard way. It's always hard to learn it the hard way. And it will leave a great impact in your life greatly. You won't have to remember. You won't have to reminisice it. It will leave as a scar to force you to remember every single things. It's just like the broken pieces of glass, no matter how hard you tried to make it whole again, there will still be scar, there will still be cracks. It's never perfect any more.

I want to stop myself from leaving any more regrets. I want to learn to be perfect. I want to learn to not take things for granted. We always take things for granted. Thinking that all the stuffs will always be there, yet it has never really be there forever. Impermanence remember? There are so many things that I don't want to lose. I'm just too obessed with my current life. I'm just too attached with all the things I had. I craved for everything. I know it's not what a Buddhist had cultivate. That's why I want to learn to be perfect. I want to learn to take things easy. I want to learn to let go of things easily.

I think it's far too long post. I ought to take more time on my studies than blogging. Nonetheless, I'm glad that I had reflected so much while having a chat with my friend. I'm just too stress over my studies. Don't worry, I'm alright. :) I'm still the cheerful wanling. BOO! xD

Goodnight and goodbye.

It's 3 papers on Monday - English Paper 1, English Paper 2 & Math Paper 1.


10:40:00 PM

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

10 Papers to go

I didn't know what's all these feeling about.
I had been hurt. Badly.
I thought I never want to love again.
But when the feeling of wanting to love you come across my mind,
it has never stop. I wanted to get you out of mind but to no avail.

Knowing that you are happy, knowing that you are satisfied with your life.
Knowing that all you wanted was her, only her.
Knowing that you are happy with her around your side.
I'm more than happy to know that.

I thought I will be selfish to continue to hold on.
Wanting to make you mine again.
Yet, I don't know what went wrong in my mind.
I want you to lead a life better than before.
I decided to choose this path.
To let you go one last time.

And I will never look back.
Not anymore.

For the one last time,
I do miss you a lot.

11:49:00 PM

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I'm so affected that I don't feel like doing anything. What's the problem with me. Sighs. On a brigher note, I can get rid of all those things that I had learnt. :) I'm going to have favourite subjects next week. :) English, Emath & Physic ( excluding the chinese because it sucks ) =D I want to smile smile smile. I'm going to tune my mood back to study. It's so important now.

Smile, Wanling, Smile.
Everyone smiles !

I'm going to do well in my Social Studies. I promise to do well well well ! I want to do well for my 'O' level. Please don't bring my hopes up and watch me fall at the same time. I don't want to fail. I want to get into the course I want. I want to do well.

I know many people are pretty affected over the Geography paper. Don't worry, it's the same over here. Frankly speaking, I'm really affected. I will try to tune my mood back like I always have to. That's life isn't it? It's just full of ups and downs. :)

I'm going to score well in my 'O' level !


6:39:00 PM

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The Bottom Line
Someone as agreeable and charming as you should follow their heart more often.

In Detail
In your quest to have everyone like you right now, you could be very influenced by people who might not have your best interests at heart. It is time for you to get comfortable with the fact that you cannot be everyone's friend. No one likes everyone they meet, and no on can be liked by everyone -- not even someone as agreeable, charming, and generous as you! It's more important to follow your heart and do what you think is the right thing to do than follow the fashions of the day.

Not that I wanted to scold vulgarities or whatever. BUT, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS YEAR PAPER GOING ON. It has never been so tough in the past 5 years. I do study the 5 years series. I DO ! WHY DOES THE GODDAMN PAPER SO DIFFICULT THAT I WANT TO BREAK DOWN ON THE SPOT AND CRY !~ I was like whinning over it when I was walking home with Qiulian. SIGHS ! I WANT CRY CRY CRY. I WANT TO SCREAM. THERE GOES MY BUSINESS COURSE. YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT DAMN COURSE I WANT TO GO TO ? YOU KNOW ! WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THESE DAMN SHITS !

I see no future now. My future is gone. It killed me in that instance.

Why am I brooding over it ? You know, I do mind about not getting at least a B for my HUMANITIES ! Because it's just so important to me. DAMN IT ! I didn't write the solutions to the problems because I'm just left with half an hour and my Section A is totally BLANK ! Furthermore, I don't understand what the crazy paper wants me to do till I asked my friends after the paper. I rushed through the paper. That damn essay killed me. I wrote so many points. I wrote about deforestation, desertification & depleted fish stock. I wrote so many things. Hell, please give me all my 12 marks please. All the irritating things that I had studied are proven useless ! You know, I don't have to remember so many things and squeeze everything into my brain in that instance because the questions just doesn't ask me all the things that were required.


Sorry for my attitude.

I'm not in a good mood. Sighs!
I want to cry.

Sighs. I don't want to blog any more. My future is soooooooo dark now.

5:36:00 PM

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My random post, need not read. :) I'm just studying using the fastest method by memorising and typing out. :)

Environment Management
Definition: To protect and care for the environment

6 Factors to be learnt in this chapter

1. Deforestation
2. Desertification
3. Depleted Fish Stocks
4. Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Land Pollution
- Water Pollution
5. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
6. Global Warming

Air Pollution

1. Sulphur Dioxide
- Emissions from Power Station
- Constituent of Acid Rain
- Respiratory problems
5 Solutions
- 'Cleaning' sulphur-rich fuel before use
- Using sulphur-free fossil fuels
- Better pollution-control equipment
- Practicing Energy Conservation
- Reduce the demand for industrial energy

2. Nitrogen Oxide
- Emissions from fossil fuels
- Exhaust systems of vehicles
- Aggravate the conditions of asthmatics
- Constituent of acid rain
5 Solutions
- Installing of best-pollution control equipment
- Reduce the demand for industrial energy
- Fitting catalytic converter in the exhaust systems in vehicles
- Launching 'car-free days' campaign
- Keeping older vehicles off the road

Carbon Monoxide
- Exhaust fumes of vehicles
- inhibits blood from taking oxygen
2 Solutions
- Vehicles checked regularly and keep older vehicles off roads
- Cheap public transport to reduce the no. of private cars

Carbon Dioxide
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Forest fires
- Lead to global warming

Volatile Organic Compound
- Vehicles exhaust petrols
- Eye irritations, sneezing & benzene cause caner

Particular Matter
- Tiny Specks of matter caused by burning moved around in air
- Reduce the visibility, causing irritations to the eyes, nose & throats

Ground level ozone
- VOC reacts with NO in the presence of sunlight
- Exacerbate the conditions of asthmatics
- Destroys the lining of lungs & weaken one's immune systems
- Destroys the crops & forests

Air Pollution caused Acid Rain & Haze

Acid Rain
- Sulphur Dioxide & Nitrogen Oxide reacts with the moisture in the air
and falls as Acid Rain
5 Effects
- Vegetation
- Fish in inland water bodies
- Crops
- Buildings
- Human health
- Deprived of nutrients, plants cannot grow properly
- Protective waxy coating in the leave is lost, thus plants cannot photosynthesis
- Trees weaken & susceptible to pests & diseases
Fish in inland water bodies
- Fishes are killed
- Fish eggs cannot hatch
- Fish produce mucus to fight against aluminium. Too much mucus clogs the gills
and thus killing the fish.
- Acid-sensitive plants die too
- Lime-spraying is used to neutralize the water, it is a expensive method.
-Crops yield & quality fall.
- Corrode the metals in buildings
Human Health
- Acid rain affect water & fishes
- Affect human health as they drink the contaminated water & fishes

8 Solutions
- Use fuels with lesser sulphur in contents
- Remove sulphur before use
- Decrease the use of fossil fuels
- Fitting catalytic converters in the exhaust systems of vehicles
- Produce smaller cars which use less fossil fuels & thus less pollution
- International agreement to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions
- Reduce the amount of electricity used
- Installing desulphization systems in industries

- Forest fires in Indonesia
- Forest cleared for farming
- Fire is used as it is cheap & fast
- Fire get out of control in the dry seasons
- Fire become bigger as they set on extensive peat beds in the forests
- Haze consists of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide & particular matter
5 effects
- Haze spread to SEA
- PSI increase
- Tourism revenue decreased as tourists shun from the country
- Medical expenses increased
- Disrupt sea, land & air transport
- Crops yield & quality fall

Why is it difficult to control haze?
1. 'Not-my-backyard' problems
2. Difficult to stop as it has become habits as it is cheap & fast
3. Collisions between companies prevent the implementation on a frequent basis
4. Remote areas are hard to access and they have shortage in manpower to combat the fire
5. Fire started in dry seasons & they get out of control
6. Fire sets on extensive peat beds & bonfire to become bigger

5 Solutions
- Imposed penatities to those who are defiance about not burning the forests & lands
- ASEAN provide personal personnel & equipment to fight the haze-causing fires
- Cloud-seeding produce rain to 'wash away' the haze
- Countries help by reducing the emissions from vehicles & industries
- Adopt a sustainable approach, we develop sustainably

Water Pollution
- Urban sewage
- Industrial Pollutants
- Pesticides & Fertilizers
- Oil
- Other pollutants

Urban Sewage
5 factors
- Rapid populations grows causing more sewage to be discharged
- Untreated sewage are conveniently discarded in to thse water bodies
- Humans suffered from diahorreal diseases such as cholera after drinking the
faeces-laden water
- In developing countries, 90% of the water is discharged without treated.
In the developed countries, only a small portion of the water is treated prior to being discharged
- Untreated water is discharged causing the water to be eutrophic & algae blooms proliferate

Industrial Pollutant
- Untreated pollutants such as PCBs is conveniently discharged into the water bodies
causing disatrous effect later
- River water is used as 'coolant' in power stations, when the water re-enters the water bodies,
it caused 'Thermal Pollution' and taking marine life at risk

Pesticides & Fertilizers
- Pesticides is run off from the farm & seep into the ground & contaminate the groundwater
- Fertilizers seep into the water and caused eutrphication & thus algae blooms proliferate
- When algae died & decay, they take up oxygen and thus taking marine life at risk
- Nitrogen enters the water through leaching. When people drink nitrogen-polluted water,
babies suffer from blood poisoning, children suffer from hypertension & adults suffered
from gastic cancers
2 solutions
1. IPM is adopted to limit damage
2. Organic farming is preferred as it is also healthier

- Tankers & Ships are washed at sea
- Even small amounts of oil can harm marine life
- It also affect the offshore oil explotation e.g birds
1 solutions
- Ships & Tankers are clean regularly so that sludges do not interrupt the flow of fuel oil to the engine

Other pollutants
- Dredged materials are discarded into the sea, harming the marine life.
- Innumerable plastics are thrown into the sea, causing entanglement & ingestion
- Salt intrusions occur when groundwater is used faster than it can replenish naturally

Land pollution
- Domestic refuse & refuse from commercial and public places
- Industrial & nuclear waste
- Mining waste

1. Domestic refuse & refuse from commercial & public places
4 effects
- Open dumps/landfills are smelly & eyesore. It also a source of disease as it attracts rodents
- Rotting refuse produce a liquid which contaminate the soil
- Dangerous chemicals leaked from batteries
- Decaying organic matter produces Methane, a powerful greenhouse gases
5 causes
- Widespread use of disposal items like containers for innumerable processed foods
- Product design which make repair difficult
- Electronic shelf lives are short and thus, it needs to replace every now and then
- Millions of vehicles tyres are thrown away each year
- Organic waste

2. Industrial & Nuclear waste
- Toxic waste is secretly dumped in remote areas, polluting the land
- Unfashionable electronic products are discarded in landfills which contributes to toxic built up
-Radioactive waste emits deadly radioaction which causes diseases & defomities in babies
1 solutions
Radioactive waste are stored in lead-like containers but the probability of leakage still exists

Mining waste
- Toxic chemicals are used for ore extraction and then carelessly discarded into the ground

4 solutions to help the land pollution
- Taking an effort to do 3R!
- Automobile industries are using less toxic chemicals
- Many countries banned the use of PCBs
- Contaminated soil is cleaned by planting special plants

- Droughts
- Overgrazing
- Overcultivation
- Deforestation

- lower the water table & stunted vegetaion growth thus lessened evapotranspiratory drastically
- Absence of vegetation increase the albedo values

Rapid population growth increase the use of resources & pressures on land

- In order to grow more foods, farmer did not allow the land to fallow to regain its fertility.
Thus destroying the structure, making it vulnerable to erosions by wind & occasional short rainstorms

- Deforestation increased & thus fewer roots to bind the soils & prevent it from soil erosion

- When drought strucked, a large livestocks were moved to the remaining water holes
- Trees & Shrubs are used as animal fodders
- Animals trampled on the land, breaking the structure

6 solutions
- Sink more wells
- Practicing water harvesting
- Building terraces to trap water & prevent soil erosions
- Avoid overstocking
- Planting trees to prevent topsoil from being eroded and increase soil fertility
- Forming communities to grow trees

Depleted Fish stocks
- Overfishing
- Water pollution

2 causes
- Fish caught faster than they can replenish
- Increase of overfishing due to the use of highly fishing vessels & fishing equipments
4 effects
-Reduce the neccessary mineral for human
- Species soon to extinct
- Fisherman's life affected
- Income for fishing industry threatened

Water pollution
3 causes
- Caused by accidents from collisions
- Washing of tankers & ships
- Irresponsible dumping of toxic waste & untreated sewage
2 effects
- Fish died or do not return to the contaminated water
- Contaminated fish are unsafe to consume

Stratospheric ozone depletion
4 causes
- Holes in the ozone appeared
- Harmful man-made gases liked CFC & halons caused by aerosol sprays & fire extinguishers respectively
- When CFC bombarded by the UV rays, it decays, clorine atoms produce
- Clorine atoms can depleted more than 10000 ozone molecules causing ozone depletion
3 Effects
- Increase in UV rays and thus increasing in numbers of skin cancers & eye cataracts.
It also weaken one's immune system
- UV rays penetrate through water, causing planktons & thus marine life affected
- Crop productivity drops
4 Solutions
- International treaty of phasing out CFC is signed
- HFC is preferred as it is less harmful to the ozone but it is a powerful greenhouse gas
- Removing CFC from electrical appliances before discarded
- Buy environmentally friendly & CFC products

Global Warming
4 Causes
- Earth is kept warm because of the gases which prevented the heat from escaping to the space
- Carbon dioxide contributes the most to the global warming
- Heat ability of the other two gases is greater
- Methane traps 20 times more, Nitrous Oxide traps 270 times more.
Other harmful gas - HFC
5 Effects
- Melting of ice
- Rise in sea levels
- Human casualities
- Disruption to water resources
- Other consequences
5 Solutions
- Kyoto Procol treaty signed
- Transfer of technology
- Reduce the energy consumption
- Storing carbon dioxide
- Alternative energy

4 causes
- Political Factor
- Economic Factor
- Social Factor
- Technological Factor
5 Effects
- Increase in soil erosions & frequent landslides
- Breakdown of nutrients cycles
- Destructions habitats of flora & fauna
- Threaten the existence of tribal groups
- Damage to atmosphere & changing world's climate
6 Solution
- Afforestation & reforestation
- Selective logging
- Maintaing protecting areas
- Maintaing land areas for tribal groups
- Prevent over logging
- Reduce demand for timber

9:33:00 AM

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chemistry Paper LOVES ! Alright, the paper is really tough but I managed to do it with all my heart and soul. =D ! I was really nervous when I entered the examination all. I don't know why do I still feel butterflies in my stomach. I tried to calm down and I breathe in. When I first flipped the paper, I was so dumbstruck. The paper was so difficult and we were only allowed to skim through the paper. I decided to not let my emotions to overwhelm me and I just did whatever I can. In the end, I finished the paper despite skipping questions and going back to it again. :) For your information, I skipped so many questions that I was so shocked when I realised I came to the last page. -.-"

When I decided to really put my heart and soul to the remaining questions that I didn't do, I realise the paper is really difficult but I was lucky, the stuffs that I had studied were there. :) My dear friends, don't worry about the Chemistry paper. Physic paper will be easy. :) Just keep telling yourself that alright. Loves !

'O' level rocks rocks rocks. :) Please give me A1 ! I want 6 A1! ( Amath is a gone case, just give me a B3 will do. ) XD ! 3 papers are down and it felt really great.

It felt really good to see you again. :)
I miss you. Let's be close friends like we used to.



6 Factors to learn.

1. Deforestation
2. Depleted Fish Stock
3. Desertification
4. Pollution
5. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
6. Global Warming

3 Pollution

1. Water Pollution
2. Land Pollution
3. Air Pollution

5 Causes for Water Pollution

1. Urban Sewage
2. Industrial Pollutant
3. Pesticides & Fertilizers
4. Oil
5. Other Pollutant

3 Causes for Land Pollution

1. Domestic Refuse & refuse from commercial & public places
2. Industrial & Nuclear Waste
3. Mining Waste

7 Causes for Air Pollution

1. Sulphur Dioxide
2. Nitrogen Oxide
3. Carbon Monoxide
4. Carbon Dioxide
5. Ground level ozone
6. Particular Matter
7. Volatile Organic Compound

These are the things that I had studied yesterday when I'm supposed to study for Chemistry. =X I'm going to go into details for the environment sector. :) I love the environment. I love my earth. Protect our dear Mother Earth alright. :)

I learn to look at you from a faraway place.

6:07:00 PM

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ha, I remembered I wrote stupid things on my answer sheets. I wrote " Sorry Sir/Madam for the untidy handwriting. I was rushing for time. " LOL! I hope they will understand. :) Anyway, Amath is great today. Paper 2 is so so so much better than Paper 1 though I left Relative Velocity out. :) I hope I score at least a B3 please. If possible, give me an A1. XD ! Amath rocks. :) This is it, I had finished my Amath for the Secondary chapter. :) After all, Amath isn't that difficult which I had thought of it all the time. :)



6:04:00 PM

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Amath is atrocious. I aren't getting an A1 for this paper. I shall do really well for tomorrow paper. I need to get 75/80 to score an A1 for the overall. Oh my. May buddha poppi ! :) Just a short entry will do. I will blog after my Geography's paper ends which is the end of the paper for the current week. :) I will try to blog as much as I can since my English's paper is coming soon. When English paper ends, I won't be blogging till my O's is done. :) I think my unique visitor will suffer. What can I do ? I think O's is more important than others. :)

I had planned for the things I want to do after 'O' level. I'm going to work straightaway. =D BLAHHHH~ BYE!

I'm really very worry for you.
I don't want to see you cry after we retrieve our results.
Please do study.
It's for your future.

I shall not put my mind on anything right now.
Studies studies studies.
It felt really good to know that O's is ending.
Things are coming to an end.

I think time really flies.
In a while time, I'm getting old soon.
And then, I will look back at these memories.
I will want to smile and tell myself, I had done my best. :)

Good things never last. :)

This shall let you guys understand me better.
And it's for a week worth of post. :)

001. Real name: Wan Ling
002. Nickname: Ahmei
003. Married: No
004. Zodiac sign: Aries
005. Male or female: Female
006. Elementary: Stamford Primary School
007. Highschool: Manjusri Secondary School
008. College ; -
010. Hair color: Brownish-Black
011 . Long or short: Long
015. Are you a health freak: No?
016. Height: 155
017. Do you have a crush on someone: HAHA!
0 18. Do you like yourself: Yes!
019. Piercings: Yes
021. Righty or lefty: Both


022. First surgery: No?
023. First piercing: Ears
024. First best friend: LayKheng
025. First award: Err.
026. First sport you joined: Swimming?
027. First pet: Fish
028. First vacation: Malaysia I think
029. First concert: Choir
030. First crush: Chunyang? xD


049 .Eating: Nope
050. Drinking: Nope
052. I'm about to: Study
053. Listening to: Zui Hou Yi Ci

0 58. Want kids: Yeah
05 9. Want to get married: Yeah
060. Careers in mind: Accountant/Banking


068. Lips or eyes: Eyes
069. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
070. Shorter or taller: Taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH!
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both
074. Sensitive or loud: Err.
075. Hook-up or relationship: relationships
077. Trouble maker or hesitant: Troublemaker


078. Kissed a stranger?: No
079. Drank bubbles: No
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No
081. Ran away from home: No
082. Liked someone younger: No
083. Older: Yes
084. Broken someone's heart: Don't Think So
085. Been arrested: No
086. Turned someone down: Err. Yeah?
087. Cried when someone died: Yea
088. Liked a friend: Yea


089. Yourself: Sometime though
090. Miracles: Give me 7 A's
091 . Love at first sight: Yea
092. Heaven: Yea
093. Santa claus: Err. Crap
094. Sex on the first date: No
096. Angels: No


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Yea
098. Had more than one boyfriend/gir lfriend at a time?: No
099 . Do you believe in God?: Err Buddha!~
100. Post as 100 Truths: -.-"

7:21:00 PM

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's approximately 14 hours to my Amath Examination. Thanks for all the wishes. :) I appreciate them tons. I will do well and strive with all my best. :) I'm really ready for Amath 'O' level tomorrow. :) I really want to thank everyone for calling me, smsing me and leaving the tags behind. :)

I'm nervous now. I'm feeling sick now. I'm stress. Damn~ Sighs~

Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmmaya
Namo Sanghaya

May Devas help me through this tough periods.
May Devas help me when I couldn't remember anything.
May all the things that I had studied be out for tomorrow.
May the things that I had studied be kept inside my brain. :)

Nighty Night. :)

10:13:00 PM

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Have you read the newspaper ? It's been really long since I held onto a newspaper. There were a few really bombastic news recently. Singapore is re-considering to merge with Malaysia again. Personally, I think Singapore has been doing well in standing alone as a country. It's been 4 decades since they had separated due to many factors which had resulted in the separation. I had studied my Social Studies and the Merger & Separation topic is pretty fresh in my mind. Two countries of a different political system. I did not mention that Malaysia isn't good. Don't get me wrong. It's just that different political system, we have to consider so many factors before we come to a compromise. It's been so many years that we had our independent and we are still standing strong. This is one thing that we can never take Singapore for granted. I sincerely hope that Singapore will continue to stand strong and help other countries in another way. :)

Another news is about Osama had came to Singapore and into Malaysia now. I shall not leave any comment about this issue. :) Pakistan is having a hard time now too. There were suicide boming which resulted in many deaths. What really happened in this world, in this earth, our human race? I remembered Ven. Mahinda had told us that, those who held hatred will perish. From 2007 to 2012 or is it 2010? Err, correct me if I'm wrong. :) From this year to that year, we will have a number of conflicts, wars and everything. My goodness. Can't everyone have a little tiny weeny peace in their heart? Life is so short. Why must we hold onto hatred? Why must we blame one another for anything? When the conflicts had ended, we should just let it all go. Why must we blame, curse, scold about anyone? We are just creating bad karma upon ourselves. What for? We should learn to get out of this samsara and not kill one another? If everyone retain the peace in their heart, this world is so beautiful. But, as we all know, it's impossible. So, we should create a possible in this world, starting from ourselves. Even if you are just a person in the zillion billion of people outside, at least it stands a little percentage better than nothing. If every country, we have such person, it will be a greater percentage of beautiful people. Isn't it ?

Sighs. I hope this world continue to be beautiful, continue to be the one that had carved in my heart so deep. People, make a difference in your life and others. This world will be beautiful. :)

Anyway, I shall talk no more and concentrate on my studies now. Goodbye !

I miss everyone. :(

10:42:00 PM

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I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick.

You know what, my Ipod likes to play with me. "你很爱她" was playing in my Ipod. It suited my feeling so I replayed it for several times. When I decided to just move on and skip to another song, the next song was "不能说的秘密" -.-" Damn it please ~ Can't you just give me a break and stop letting the memories to rewind again and again? I'm sad. I can honestly speak it from my heart. I'm affected. But so what ? What can it brings ? It can only brings unhappiness, worries, fear... I just want to get over it and move on. Allow me please?

I'm suffering from a fever, flu and cold. 'O' leve is on Monday.


9:43:00 PM

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I'm back from studying Geography. I almost died ! I was out with him to study. We were supposed to go library to study but it closed. Then we headed to Hans and then the library dimmed their light. That was so unlucky please~ So, I suffered. =( My eyes were so itchy and I kept rubbing it. =( In the end, we headed to MacDonald. :)

Alright, although I'm yet to finish my Geography but at least, I had some of it deep in my heart now. =D I knew exactly what's haze, water pollution, acid rain is all about. =DD ! Life's rock. I need to mug really hard for my Geography now. :) Goodbye and wish me good luck please. :( Amath Paper is on Monday ! KILL ME PLEASE !~

Enghua kor & Huiwen wanted to bring me for supper but I'm studying. Sorry kor ! I was at MacDonald till 1am and then I went home to study a teeny weeny bit and I fell asleep. -.-" Roar-ing~ I hope the life after 'O' level will be pretty good please. I hope. I wish. I pray. :)

It's time to prepare to go SBM to study now. :) BYEBYEBYE! Sighs ! They are having 'FISH' Friend day next week. It is definitely going to be fun ! But, I'm having 'O' level and I just can't join them. Sighs sighs sighs! Who is interested to join me to go 'FISH' Friend day, you can approach me. =D However, I won't be playing, I will be at SBM studying while they have fun. SIGHS !

Learn to appreciate things.

Learn to look things in a brighter way.

Learn to love the people even if they don't. :)

10:02:00 AM

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Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm going to swallow the books up now. Next week, I'm going to face the big 'O' level. Give me more time please. I need time. I want to study really hard now. 10 points ! Here I go ! :) My priority is study study and still study. :) Don't ask if I'm free nowadays, I'm not. :) I need more time~ ROARS~

Right at this moment, nothing matters anymore, do it ? Things had ended beautifully as I can say. I'm learning to move on. I had thought through it. Maybe I had regret upon many things in the past which I have never get to do with you. But since it's all over, it's time to move on. That's life isn't it ? Nobody can get the things that they always wanted. And I will never find another you. You were just so special in a way and that everythings you do, it would make me laugh. I miss the way you sing, the way you tease me, the way you make me laugh. :) Thank you for everything. You would always be the special friend I made. :D








A happy girl that will never fails to hide her tears. :)

9:30:00 AM

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Bottom Line

If you've been driving for success and are frustrated, search for a new tactics.

In Detail
If you've been seeking success and finding frustration, today is the day to consider a few new tactics. Look at all the possible ways you could handle this situation. Then choose the option that you find the most intimidating. Subliminally, you may have been seeing opportunity as pressure, and have thus been preventing yourself from taking a challenge because you were afraid you would fail. But you're much more capable than you give yourself credit for. Be confident!

I want to scream out loud. I was in a bad mood today. I cried after I went into the PAC. Damn, I just don't know what the hell is the whole experiment doing. I wanted to give up but I decided to just do whatever I can. In the end, everything was wrong. Damn it. I'm dumb. I'm stupid. Call me everything you want. Damn it~ Sighs, please don't ask me about my Practical examination any more, I swear I will cry.

Thank everyone for caring about my Pratical, but don't ask me any more. The moment you remind me about it, I will be very affected about it. Sorry. Sighs ! Well, I'm going to have an early night and wake up for serious studying. Nighty. I love you guys. =D

It's always hurting when you know things just don't go your way

10:18:00 PM

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Girls' Language
Guys you should read it. xD !

If i dont call you
[ Its because im waiting for you to call me ]

When i walk away from you mad
[ Follow me ]

When i stare at your mouth
[ Kiss me ]

When i push you or hit you
[ Grab me and dont let go ]

When i start cussing at you
[ Kiss me and tell me you love me ]

When im quiet
[ Ask me whats wrong ]

When i ignore you
[ Give me your attention ]

When i pull away
[ Pull me back ]

When you see me at my worst
[ Tell me im beautiful ]

When you see me start crying
[ Hold me and tell me everything will be alright ]

When you see me walking
[ Sneak up and hug my waist from behind ]

When im scared
[ Protect me ]

When i lay my head on your shoulder
[ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]

When I tease you
[ Tease me back and make me laugh ]

When I dont answer for a long time
[ reassure me that everything is okay ]

When i look at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]

When i say that i like you
[ I really do more than you could
understand ]

When i grab at your hands
[ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]

When i bump into you
[ bump into me back and make me laugh ]

When i tell you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]

When i look at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until i do ]

When i miss you
[ im hurting inside ]

When you break my heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]

When i say its over
[ i still want you to be mine ]

When i blog this out
[ i want you to read it ]

8:16:00 PM

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Realize that the girl holding onto u is
perfect in her own special way.

The way she laughs.
The way she sleeps.
The way she loves you.
The way she tries to please you.
Always remember that.

She can always get up and walk away,
getting someone else who can love her more.
For all you know, there is someone out
there wooing her already, but she is
rejecting, a maybe perfect love for her.

There might also be
someone out there.
Who is willing to love her more than

are loving her now.
Fulfill her every need and love her as
much as she loves you.
Understand that.

Ima gine this, guys.
When you are holding her today, and you
cheat on her by hugging and kissing
another gal.

And then you run back to her.
And u do the same.
But you see love in her eyes.
What do you think?
Do you feel the hurt?
Can you feel the guilt?

She loves you not because you are good
looking, have money, buy her things,
make her parents happy, or that you
can have anything you want in a snap.

She loves you for who you are.
Your every touch, every word you say,
everything you do.
Guys, cherish and appreciate your girl.
Don't break her fragile heart.
She is the only one who can love you
that way.

You won't wanna regret letting go of
that special girl you have.
For everything she has done for you,
the least you can do is to give her
unconditional love as she has given to

Guys are always so unappreciative

9:16:00 AM

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Oh my, I'm really suffering please. I have mood swings. Don't mess with me. :)
I think I'm going crazy soon !
It hurts so badly.

There's SBM's Camp Publicity at Manjusri Secondary School.
Please do support our camp booth. :)
You will know how fun it is if you come and see.
It's your benefit if you come to this camp.
You will know how to appreciate life better.
You will get to know more life-long friends
just like how I know my life-long friends. :)


If you could have think about the things a few years ago.
You should know how much you have hurt me in the past.
Honestly speaking, I loved you in the past,
but everything you had done stabbed my heart.
It bleed.


12:40:00 AM

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I suffered from cramps. Damn. I never liked these days. I was supposed to go for Geography Consultation and I went there early. I didn't know that the cramps killed me so badly, so I went back instead. I wasn't even there for 2 hours and I'm back home. I didn't even go for the consultation and I went home. Damn~ Well, I went home and I rested till 4.30pm. Such a waste time periods ~ Sighs !


Happy Birthday to Poh Leong
Happy Birthday to Yao Ming

Interesting for two good friends to be borned on the same day, same date, same year. LOL! Good luck for the two of your's 'O' level. :) Do well well and don't play any more. =DD May you be well & happy. =D

4:13:00 PM

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Monday, October 15, 2007

I was depressed a while ago because I missed my 9pm show. It was the one and only show that I really watched. I missed 3 consecutive series and today it's the final episode and I missed it. Damn ! Can somebody tell me what had happened to WanRou, Ouyang, XiaoQian & Xicun ? :(

On a brighter note, I was replying the messages when my cellphone suddenly restart on its own for no reasons. And then, it started to "Pika" again ! Ahh! It hasn't been "Pika-ing" for quite some time and I thought I will no longer hear it "Pika-ing" again ! I was god-damn happy when I heard the "Pika" sound ! Thank you everyone for smsing me and causing my handphone to hang and restart! I tried all means to repair my phone but to no avail. Thank you so much for smsing me ! :)

I just roamed Youtube and saw many videos. Initially, I wanted to search for our Graduation videos and damn it, it wasn't there. Sighs ! I didn't really watch that video that day. Sighs ! Anyway, I saw many Graduating Classes' videos, mainly the Secondary 5's. It was great, really. I admired the unity in the Secondary 5 classes. :) I also came across my very own videos which I had taken a year ago about the Hell boy story! I liked the part where they opened the storeroom and chased one another. xD ! Then, I came across one video by Sly's - The Beatboxer. Ah Hao and Chufeng, where are the two of you now ! Sighs !

I proved myself useful today ! I did many revisions - The Geography, Amath 5-years-series, English Comprehension papers. I finished all of them !! Alright, I haven't finish the English Comprehension papers though. There's still so many schools' paper left undone. Sighs ! Anyway, I'm going to finish up all the English Comprehension papers and then I will start all my subjects' revision all over again. :) LOVES ! Sighs, I don't know what to do for tomorrow. Should I go to school ? Sighs !~

Goodnight and bye !


10:34:00 PM

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I think I'm really slow !

You know what ! My Sister-in-law's mum is a singer ! Maybe you guys can try asking your mum & dad if they knew Song Mei Ling or is it spelled Song Mei Lin ? She sings really well. My brother send me her song and I was dumbfounded. I thought my brother was playing a prank on me but he wasn't. I'm really slow please. They had been married for a year plus and I only got to know that my Sister-in-law's mum is a singer ? Oh my goodness ! Maybe I should try asking Auntie to teach me to sing. xD ! =P

BYE !~

3:38:00 PM

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Sunday, October 14, 2007


1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

1) I have serious mood swings. I can be really cheerful and crazy a moment ago, then, I will get really emo the next moment. Don't test my patient, cause when it gets limited, I scream your head off. xD

2) I just want to do well for 'O' levels. :) I want to get as many A's and get into my business course.

3) Guys are always hurting me. And I'm always the one that got dumped. LOL! Thus I never trusted relationships any longer. So, just shut up if you aren't serious about relationships yeah. :)

4) I love my friends as long as they do love me too. I treasure them as much as I love them. :) And I loves my family as much as I treasured them too. :) They are the one whom walks into my life and leave a deep footprint which will never be washed off. :) Not forgetting my little dog boyboy, I love him more than anything.

5) I'm still quite affected over the past relationships or ambiguity relationships. :) It just happened too soon yeah. Things just changed so fast that I have no time to react to it at all. But still, it's one of the obstacles that made me grow.

6) I'm currently addicted to study. I can forgo anything just for the sake of my studies. Life is just too short. In a while time, we will grow old and we will start reminisce the past which was always happened too abruptly.

7) I learnt piano ever since I'm 6 years old and I'm still learning it. My ambitious is to be a piano teacher as one of the career. :)

8) I forget things easily. So if I have any conflicts with you in the past, I will forget it very quickly. So it won't drag long because my memory isn't that good to remember everything. :) And I treasure my friends more after the Huiwen&I's conflict. LOL! Interesting and a great lesson learnt. And I love Huiwen even though how much hatred we had towards one another but it's all spread fair and square now. :) I love her because she teaches me tons of things. :)

I tag : Andrina, Yinghui, Qiulian, RaymondTham, Huiwen, EvelynHo, JowellHong, Irene!

9:48:00 PM

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The Bottom Line
If boosting your career isn't on the top of your 'to do' list, then it should be.

In Detail
If boosting your career isn't on the top of your 'to do' list right now, then it should be -- especially today, when your deep yearning for something more challenging goes from a whisper to a deafening din. It's getting tired of being ignored! So do yourself a favor by checking out a few employment websites. Just start exploring what's out there, and what you may want. Remind yourself that change is possible if you want it badly enough. Education may be the missing link to getting what you want.

I'm home early. Surprising ? I was tired so I just went back and not have dinner with the rest of the guys. :) Sorry yeah ! I studied the whole day of Physic yesterday and I was drowned with Amath today. Interesting~ Time to do some studying again. XP

I'm happy happy. Not emo any more. However, my handphone is crazy now. It doesn't receive sms any more. Even if it receives SMS, it would take more than 6 hours to deliever to me. So if you have anything urgent to find me, please give a direct call. My cell phone also doesn't give that "Pika" sound anymore and I'm sad because of it. :( Aww never mind~ I don't understand why it doesn't care about sms anymore. When people calls me, it still rings. But when messages were sent, it doesn't have any sound/vibrate any more. It's time to change phone but I'm not changing so soon. I need to earn money before I can get new phone. Sighs! I don't want to spend daddy's money you know. =( There goes my money for my DSC-T20 Camera and my laptop. Sighs!

Books! Books! Books! I'm going to eat up my books and swallow them into my brain. xD ! LOVES ! I had a debate session with my auntie and I told her that studying is fun. :) I'm going to work hard. Good bye !

Singapore Buddhist Mission's Camp is coming up !

Date : 14 - 17th Dec 2007
Venue: Camp Christine
I have never regret being there. :)

Details will be provided if you kindly ask me. :)

Sorry I do not have the soft copy of the poster yet,
so it will come out when it's the time. :)

5:53:00 PM

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The serenity of my phone is haunting me. Fear conquer me whenever I looked at it. I never want to see a empty, silent phone. Even up till today, we never contact any more, not any more. You will never know how hurting it was to feel inside. You started with all these hoo-haa and you left me with a empty heart. Thank you for hurting me so hard that I started to ponder if it's all worthwhile from the start. There was this intricate feeling that overwhelmed me. You never know how it feels because you never care.

I talked to Anghwee last night when Shanyuan suddenly called. LOL! I was questioning Anghwee what can we do if in the middle of our studying, we feel sad and depressed. He said, "Try to fake the smile till you are happy. And have your gratitude over things." I understood it. :) Thank you! I'm going to have that sense of gratitude towards everything. Thank you everyone for being there when I really needed. :) Love you guys!


I just want to feel a little loved.

11:14:00 AM

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lucky 13th. My love.


1.What song are you listening to now?
Wu Tiao Jian Wei Ni 无条件为你

2. Color you are wearing now?
Orange & Black

3. Now, who's on ur mind?
Him perhaps. Or studies. :)

4 . Now, what films do you like so much?
No time for film. :(

5. Where do you feel like going now?
No where. I just want to see him? Maybe not, study~

6. What movie do you want to watch?
I don't know? No time for that.

7. Now, what do you want?
I just want A's for my 'O' level.

8. Current mood right now?
I'm just not feeling really happy inside.

9. When is your birthday?
13th April. :)

10. Where did you buy ur bag?
Anywhere. As long as I like it. :)

11. Where did you buy ur pencil box?
M shop.

12. How was your day today?
Not too bad. I was with SBM people studying. What's more?

13. What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?
Studying! :)

1 . Last time you fell in love?
Ha fell in love and been caught or fell in love one sided?
I have no comments. xD !

2. Last movie you watched? with whom?
Err. Last movie. I think it was 不能说的秘密.
It was with Pohleong? That was like so long ago please.
I haven't been watching movies for months.

3. Last shirt you wore before the shirt
you're wearing now?
I'm the Evil Twin shirt. xD

4. Last thing you held?
Mouse. LOL!

5. Last place you've been to?

6. Last dream?
LOL LIANGJIAN ! But I'm not going to disclose any details. xD

7. Last call you received?
Mr Ngo Shan Yuan

8. Last testi you got?
Pearson Wu

9. Last message you got in friendster?
Some unknown people. -.-"
Can't be bothered.

10. last sms you got?

11. last thing you did?
Pick up my phone and check who sent the last sms LOL!

12. last present u got?
Errr. Ferrero Rocher by NicholasLeeJuenQing

13. last present you gave to someone?
Chocolate to MelissaPhuaJinTing

Alright this shall be the post for today. :)
I shall blog tomorrow then. :)

You can be as nonchalent as you want.
I get myself out of your life forever. Yes, forever.

11:50:00 PM

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Friday, October 12, 2007

School Certificate




Mdm Toh !

Mrs Lim & Mrs Chan

JEE HOU Aka Ji Hou

Xiaodidi & Ji Hou

Net !

Peiyi laogong xD

Eugene my twist twist partner. xD





Short Simon xD !
Alright, I forced him to act short. =X

I'm tallest! xD ! Alright, I asked them to act short. =X


My Mong Group. :) I love you guys!

Though things had changed dramatically, but we used to be happy yeah! :)

Love you guys till the end. :)




MONKEY MONKEY ! Monkey climb the tree !

My loves !

Forever & ever. :)

Cute group of people. :)


PohLeong !

It's our Graduation Day. They had presented us the video of our Secondary life. But, they didn't burn it in a CD. That damn screen was so small, I didn't really have a good look of that video at all. Initially, they say they would burn a CD for us. But hell, they didn't. *Grumble*

I took tons of photos today. I miss them. Sighs.

My class had a dinner gathering. But I didn't turn up. Part of the reason was that my clique wasn't there and I don't really clique with the others. So being there is equally to be there to be an extra. I hope they have fun. =D Sorry Keyzin for not going there even though you asked me many times. :)

I deceived myself that it was alright. I told them I won't regret. But still, sighs... Never mind. I had never been able to think right whenever I come across with a decision. I'm indecisive. That's what I had hate about myself. I don't like it. It's just not my day. What a Graduation Day~ Sighs.

You didn't even bother about me anymore.
Not anymore. My heart has died.
No longer the same anymore.
No more.

Play me the tune that you used to sing to me.

6:28:00 PM

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's the last day of school finally. And I really have to stress that word - finally. There wasn't anything for me to rejoice about. While I'm having lesson today, Keyzin sent me a message. He said that in just a month time, we will be separated. No more CCA. No more PE. No more lessons. No more recess. No more uniforms. No more everything. Sighs. I remembered I had criticise how much I hate this school. But, everything ended beautifully and it made me reminisice the past.

I miss the crazy 1E. It was the time that I really had been crazy. But well, things do come to an end. :) 4 years. It seems long but it was actually so short. I didn't know that in a blink of eyes, it's my graduation day tomorrow. From tomorrow onwards, I'm officially not Manjusri students. I have to worry about my Transport fare during this holiday when my Ez-link expired. I have to start whinning about how high our standard of living is. Damn. I don't want to grow old. I don't want to grow up. I just want to stay at this moment. Most of all, I'm going to miss him so much. It's really the final good bye. Maybe, I still can see him during the examination periods but, I have only a teeny weeny chances to see him since he had sat so far from me. If only, we are still talking like the old times, maybe I weren't be so upset now. If only, things did not turn out this way, I weren't have cry out now. Things end. Reality bites. It's time to bid the final good bye with my friends tomorrow.

Thank you for all the happiness you guys gave. I appreciated it. I'm so going to miss you guys. No matter how things had been going haywired, we still managed to make it turn right. I'm so going to miss so many of them. Thank you for being there at times. You guys were the greatest. Good luck for the upcoming 'O' level. Last but not least, I love you guys. :)


Are you still going to be so nonchalent about everything?
Do you even care that I'm still loving you so much like last time?
I wished we can turn back the time to the day that we first met.
You were cute. You were funny. You made my day bright.
No matter how hard I want things to turn right between us.
It had never be.
I miss you.

4:37:00 PM

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Bottom Line
It's not wise for you to make big commitments or sign any legal documents today.

In Detail
Something you have been feeling lurking just under the surface will start to reveal itself today, and the resulting emotional shift could make your day a confusing one. Therefore, try not to make any big commitments or sign any legal documents. For a little while, at least, you'll have to take a 'wait and see' attitude to a few things. What you need to do in your life may not be extremely clear right now, but you will have to learn how to be comfortable with that.

I'm thinking of skipping school tomorrow. But it was our last lesson tomorrow. Friday is our graduation day. My class is having a outing after that, but we aren't really that united. So I don't forsee the whole class going together to have our last dinner as a class. I don't know. We shall see how it goes on that day then. Should I skip school tomorrow ? Sighs. I want to see him ! I haven't been seeing him for like days and I miss him. Sighs.

It was our last Humanities lesson. I'm so going to remember being in the same class with Jee Hou & Lynette. They were there to entertain me a lot. Jee Hou was always there, listening to my crap from Secondary 3 till now. However, we didn't really speak much recently because of Tan Zi You. LOL! He should know what had been doing, he had been snatching Jee Hou from me and causing a big Hoo-Haa. Crap~

Mdm Ernie gave us a little card to mark a beautiful full-stop for our last lessons. :) Inside the card, there's a little note for us. Cute ~ Thank you! I remembered cursing her so much in the past. I don't like Humanities in the past. I don't like the way she had been criticising me using her sarcastic words. But, it's all over. :) I had passed my Humanities and I'm still working towards a B3 grade. :)

There had been a few rumours coming across recently. Hilarious. Stop spreading rumours, we are graduating soon. Don't leave a bad impression on yourself. :)

Bye, I'm going to study now. :)

I count the steps that you take.
Do you know how much I miss you now.

7:31:00 PM

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

So hey, I got to post a short post and then I shall grab my sleep. Blogging hasn't been on my routine recently, I used to come home, on the computer and then I will start blogging. But hell, my life changed hundred and eighty degree. I didn't on the computer any more. I go bathe and then I will start studying. :) Hell. Life is all about books. Even my friends are asking me to take a break, do I look like I'm really stress? I'm perfectly fine. :) I just want to finish my last lap and achieve the best out of it. :)

School was alright. I don't feel like going to school but I don't know what reason should I be giving. Can somebody give me some excuses to skip school ? I think school is crap now. I just want a simple day for me to study in library for the whole day and I will definitely prove it to be effective. :) I had been going to school these few days for one reason. I wanted to get back my Physic Mock Examination Paper. It wasn't very well done. I scored merely a 21/35. Sighs. Well, at least I improved from a F9 grade to a B4 grade. :) But still, I need the A1, if not my chemistry will be pulled down really badly by physic.

I was out with my brother. We went to Potong Pasir and I brought him to SBM. :) I stayed there to study till my Sister-in-law finished her work. Then, we went to eat and then home sweet home. :) When we were on the way to Potong Pasir, my brother & I did many stupid things. I think we looked really retarded. But it was fun after all and I love him tons. :) My second brother seemed like drifting away from the family. He doesn't come home any more. Even when he come home, we started to ask him stuffs, he will give us the " Kao Bei La! " reply. You know how sad it was to have that kind of reply from your seeing-only-once-a-blue-moon brother. Sighs. Well. I don't know. If he's happy, then let it be. But I still love him anyway. He was the one who protected me when I was met with trouble. He was there to tell me that it was just a puppy love after I had a break up. Sighs.

Alright. It's 12am. I promised Anghwee to sleep at 12am, or at the latest 1am, so I'm going to keep my promise now and be a good girl and sleep. :) Goodnight.

I'm leaving my handphone to rot. Don't sms me if it's nothing important. Don't call me if it's nothing important. Sorry to put it this way, but I needed time a lot. So please be understanding and look me up after 'O' level ends. It would be 6th November. From that day onwards, I'm going to meet many people. Irene, Dion, Jason, Mabelynn, Lynn, Justin, Kiwi, Yiting, Yilin...... There are just too many people for me to list. :) See you guys soon ! I miss you. :)

Nothing matters any more.
Because you left your footprints inside my heart and left.

11:50:00 PM

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Monday, October 08, 2007

My brother came upon this youtube and he sent me through the MSN. If you guys had played Final Fantasy, you should know. I miss playing it, maybe I will turn my hobby back to it. I miss cloud. :) I'm rather inspire to join the concert to play the grand piano. Maybe, my future career might be that. :) I love to play piano but I have no time for it now. I promise to give as much time as I can to my piano after I had finished 'O' level and finish up my final grade for my piano. After getting Grade 8, I'm going to get a diploma to enhance in my career in teaching the music. :) I had already forsee my future and I'm going to make it come through. =D Life rocks when you know where you are going. =D





11:57:00 PM

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The Bottom Line
Try to follow an analytical friend's advice today -- even if you don't like it.

In Detail
An analytical friend's advice is still humming in your mind -- how can they see things so clearly? To you, life isn't always black and white like that. But, while your appreciation of the gray areas of human relationships may add drama and conflict to your life, would you really want it any other way? Do an experiment today to find out. Try to avoid too much deliberation. Consider your options and then decide immediately. Find out if all the time you usually spend debating decisions is worth it

Hell. I didn't know that there was a Structured Essay Question Test today. I didn't bring my notes. I wasn't given a chance to chance upon any notes from any one. Everyone thought it was Substaining 21st Century. I was praying silently, hoping that it would be Good Governance. There it was, my prayer were heard. :) Luckily, I managed to remember a few points despite the amount of time I had been spending for during the prelims periods and I ought to remember all the points. But well... Anyway, I wrote crap. So please forget about receiving that piece of paper. I hope it would be burnt. :)

Alright, time for some serious studying. Amath killed me. I know nuts about it. I couldn't figure out which was which anymore. I think Emath rocks big time and Amath sucks big time. Hell, I still need to learn to love Amath. ROAR !~ I hope Amath doesn't kill me inside out please. I really can't take it. Just simply a B3 for Amath is enough, please. :)

Go. Goes. Gone. Went.


4:54:00 PM

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Alright, it's time for some blogging again. Been mugging really hard at SBM in the afternoon. Yet somehow, I don't know why I didn't manage to finish revising for my Amath ! Amath papers are coming in a while time and I'm yet to even start revising for two topics. I had only studied for one topic. Kill me please. Damn.

Study study study. I'm growing fat. And I meant it. Please take the fats off now. I'm going for exercise after 'O' level. I need to burn the fats. I need to lose some weights. I had grown 1kg and it's a terrible news for me. Roars ! I can't take in any weights any more. If not, please kill me too.

Sighs! Fats. Study. Stress. Kill me please. Roars! I need some life. I think my life is getting really dull. I promise to pamper myself after the 'O' level. I had been ill treating myself for months. It's time to treat myself a little nicer. :)

Goodnight. I shall swallow my books now. :O

*Will you get off my mind, I don't want to miss you any more."

9:34:00 PM

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I took off the post. I think it's rather unfair to others who treat me as a friend still. :) Thanks. The others who don't bother to care, who don't bother to understand, who just don't bother to bloody care about that friendship anymore. Ha. Get lost then. I don't need you either.

Life is full of ups & downs now. It seemed like it's even worst than a rollar coaster. But well, what's more? I don't expect anything anymore. I shall just concentrate on my studies and get my damn life off the downs. After all, I work hard towards my future. Who is the one who benefit ? Of course it's me. I want to get into the course I wanted. I don't dare to think about the consequences of not getting into it. I'm scare. So I shall live my own life and live my own life to it. I don't need external matters to mess up my ambitious. =D After all, I still have some nice friends with me. You guys rock! :) Thank you.

Sometimes, when I really do reflect upon my life. I mean it's been quite some time since i had done reflection. There wasn't any time for it. I was too cope up with my studies that I almost forgotten everything. I don't even have plans for my holidays. People had been planning for it and yet my holiday plans were empty. I don't know how do they find time to think about their holidays. I'm just so stressed up over studies now. So be nice to me, and stop giving me problems after problems. =D

Maybe, I shouldn't place too much trust on people. After all, you never know when they will turn their back to you. =D I thought everyone was nice and great, but ha, sometimes you will always be too complacent and learn it the hard way. :) I learnt it. At least, I gained experience on these. =D Life rocks.

Damn, give me time time time. It's merely a 13 days away. Hell.

I wished this time I would be given time of my own and study hard. =D

11:49:00 AM

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Siah Hwan Ling
Formerly known as Siah Wan Ling
Sweet 18
13th April 91



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Cotton On Highwaist skirt
Nerdy len-less spectacle
Diana Lomo Special Edition Pink Camera
A weight of 40kg
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Join a Dance course
FBT orange/Silver/Pink shorts
SugarLink Dress
Nintendo DS Lite Red


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